CrossFit Vocabulary

You will get familiar with the fun vocabulary used in Crossfit, but we have created this part to make your life a little bit easier (and understandable).

How do we train?

Ejercicios de Crossfit

FOR TIME: you will spend necessary time to complete a programmed training.

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AMRAP: (As Many Rounds As Possible) you have to repeat as many rounds as possible of a given routine in a set amount of time.

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EMOM: (Each Minute On the Minute) every minute you have to complete a specific number of exercises. Rest until the end of the minute and start again once the next minute starts.

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TABATA: 4 minute workout of a given exercise in a specific 20 seconds-on, 10 seconds-off interval. You have to try to complete the maximum of repetitions possible.  

Air Squat

Air Squat is a squat done without weight.

Squat Jump

Squat Jump is a basic squat with a jump.


Pistol is a one-legged squat.

Front Squat

Front Squat is a squat with weight in front of shoulders.

Back Squat

Back Squat is a squat holding a barbell at the back of the shoulders.

Over Head Squat (OHS)

Over Head Squat (OHS) is a squat where the barbell is held overhead.


Thruster is a front squat with a push press.

Box Jump

Box Jump is a jump onto and off a large box.


Burpee is kicking your feet back, while keeping your arms extended, and then returning your feet to the squat position and jump up from the squat position with your arms extended and clasping them overhead.

Medball Clean

Medball Clean is lifting a medicine ball from the floor a racked position across deltoids and clavicles.


Clean is lifting the barbell from the floor to a racked position across deltoids and clavicles.

Sumo Deadlift Hight Pull

Sumo Deadlift Hight Pull is lifting the barbell from the ground to a racked position across deltoids and clavicles (the technique is different from clean).


Deadlift is lifting the barbell from the ground to the hips.


Snatch is lifting the barbell from the ground to overhead in one continuous motion.  

Clean & Jerk

Clean & Jerk is lifting the barbell from the ground to overhead in two movements.

Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press is pressing the barbell upwards from the clavicles until the arms are locked out overhead.

Clean & Jerk

Push Press is a variation of shoulder press. It is the same movement but with help of a little push from your legs.

Push Jerk

Push Jerk is a variation of push press. It is the same movement but the push from your legs is coordinated with a slight dip in the knees under the barbell.

Push up

Push-up is raising and lowering the body using the arms in prone position.

Hand Stand Push Up (HSPU)

Hand Stand Push Up (HSPU) is a push-up exercise where the body is positioned in a handstand.

Wall Climb

Wall Climb is performed with your toes and chest on the floor and ‘walking’ your feet up the wall until your body is in vertical position.

Pull Up

Pull Up is performed with elbow extended and by taking the chin over the bar.

Kipping Pull Up

Kipping Pull Up is a pull up variation. You use kipping of your body driven by your hips to obtain better efficiency of the movement.

Butterfly Pull Up

Butterfly Pull Up is a pull up variation. You use a fluid oscillating motion of your body driven by your hips to obtain better efficiency of the movement.

Chest To Bar (C2B)

Chest To Bar (C2B) is performed with elbow extended and the chest must touch the bar.

Bar Muscle Up taking yourself from below a bar to above a bar.

Ring Muscle Up

Ring Muscle Up taking yourself from below a set of rings to above a set of rings. .

Ring Dips

Ring Dips is a dip performed on a set of rings.

Toes To Bar (T2B)

Toes To Bar (T2B) is performed by hanging in a hollow position and swinging toes towards the bar and touching it.

Wall Balls

Wall Balls is throwing a medicine ball to hit the specified target; it is a mix of a squat and a push press.

Toes To Bar (T2B)

Double Under (DU) is a rope jump. The rope passes under the feet twice for each jump.

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing is a movement of swinging the kettlebell by an impulse from your extended hips.

There are not all of them and many of them have many variations that you will get to know once you get into the world of Crossfit, but as a start…more than enough!

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource
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